Khalil Zbiss

PhD Candidate in Robotics & Motion Planning

About Me

I'm a Ph.D. candidate passionate about robotics, motion planning, and sensor fusion. My work focuses on designing and optimizing motion control systems for industrial robots, helping them move smarter, safer, and more efficiently. Over the years, I've collaborated with industry leaders like Ford Motor Company and published research in top journals, tackling challenges like collision-free trajectory generation, real-time motion prediction, and even motion sonification (yes, robots that "sing" their movements!).

When I'm not geeking out over robotics, I'm coding in Python, MATLAB, C/C++, or tinkering with ROS to bring new ideas to life. I've published 4 journal papers and 2 conference papers, and I'm always excited to push the boundaries of what robots can do. Let's build the future of automation together!

Skills & Expertise

Technical Skills

  • Matlab - Advanced Motion Planning & Control
  • Python - Robotics & Computer Vision
  • C/C++ - Real-time Systems
  • ROS2 & Linux - Robot Operating System

Robotics & AI

  • Path Planning & Optimization
  • Multi-Robot Systems
  • Computer Vision & Sensor Fusion
  • Machine Learning Applications

Development Tools

  • CoppeliaSim-VREP Simulation
  • Gazebo Simulation
  • IMU Sensor Integration
  • Algorithm Development

Research Skills

  • Scientific Paper Writing
  • Data Analysis & Visualization
  • Experimental Design
  • Literature Review


  • English (Professional)
  • French (fluent)
  • Arabic (Native)
  • Technical Writing

Soft Skills

  • Teaching & Mentoring
  • Project Leadership
  • Cross-functional Collaboration
  • Problem-solving


Research Assistant

University of Michigan-Dearborn, RoboticMotion Intelligence Lab
Sep 2019 - Present
  • Published 4 journal papers, 1 conference paper, and 1 abstract conference paper (30+ citations)
  • Designed a collision-free path-planning algorithms for multi-robot manipulators funded by Ford Motor Company for car-painting
  • Developed optimal base positioning solutions for Industrial painting robots using multi-objective minimax solvers
  • Modeled VRU motion prediction and developed a stability metricusing IMU sensor
  • Developed a vehicle-to-bike collision detection algorithm using adaptive collision cones and Kalman filter-based sensor fusion
  • Developed a Python framework for controlling and gathering data from OMRON LD mobile robots, enhancing real-time monitoring and control

Graduate Student Instructor

University of Michigan-Dearborn
Oct 2019 - Present
  • Taught labs and assisted in Control Systems, Embedded Systems, Robot Manipulators, and Mobile Robots
  • Created a Matlab-based lab manual for the Control Systems curriculum
  • Improved student satisfaction ratings by 15%


Ph.D. in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering

University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI
Sep 2019 – Apr 2025 (Expected)

Focus: Robotics, Motion Planning, and Sensor Fusion

  • Published 4 journal papers and 2 conference papers (30+ citations)

M.S.E in Computer Engineering

University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI
Sep 2019 - Dec 2021
GPA: 3.8/4.0
  • Graduated with High Distinction

Bachelor in Computer System Engineering

Mediterranean Institute of Technology, Tunis, Tunisia
Sep 2015 - May 2019

Featured Work

Automatic Optimal Multi-Robot Task Allocation for car painting

Automatic Optimal Multi-Robot Task Allocation for car painting

29+ Citations

Designed a computationally efficient algorithm for generating collision-free trajectories in multi-robot collaborative systems. Developed optimal base positioning algorithm for Industrial painting robots using multi-objective minimax solvers. This work was done in Collaboration with Ford Motor Company.

Robots' Path PlanningCoppeliaSimMATLAB
Motion Sonification System

Motion Sonification System

Investigated sonification techniques for monitoring and controlling multi-robot systems operating in dynamic environments. Conducted experiments with OMRON LD series mobile robots.

VRU Motion Modeling

VRU Motion Modeling

Developed a bicycle stability metric and vehicle-to-bike collision detection algorithm using adaptive collision cones and sensor fusion with Kalman Filter.

MATLABIMUSensor FusionKalman Filter
Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Classification

Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Classification

Led a team of 4 to develop a computer vision CNN-based traffic sign detection system on a single-board computer (Raspberry Pi) with a camera module, achieving 92% accuracy.

PythonRaspberry PiCamera moduleTensorFlowScikit-imageOpenCV


Automatic collision-free trajectory generation for collaborative robotic car-painting

Novel approach for generating collision-free trajectories in multi-robot collaborative systems for automotive painting applications.

K. Zbiss, A. Kacem, M. Santillo, A. Mohammadi

IEEE Access

A Numerical Integrator for Forward Dynamics Simulations of Folding Process for Protein Molecules Modeled as Hyper-Redundant Robots

Novel numerical integration approach for simulating protein folding dynamics using robotic modeling.

A. Kacem, K. Zbiss, A. Mohammadi

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

A Numerical Integrator for Kinetostatic Folding of Protein Molecules Modeled as Robots with Hyper Degrees of Freedom

Advanced numerical method for modeling protein folding using hyper-redundant robotic systems.

A. Kacem, K. Zbiss, A. Mohammadi


Automatic Optimal Robotic Base Placement for Collaborative Industrial Robotic Car Painting

Optimization framework for robotic base placement in industrial painting applications.

K. Zbiss, A. Kacem, M. Santillo, A. Mohammadi

Applied Sciences

Transforming Motion Into Sound: A Novel Sonification Approach for Teams of Mobile Robots

Novel approach for monitoring multi-robot systems through sound transformation.

A. Kacem, K. Zbiss, A. Mohammadi

International Symposium on Flexible Automation

Wave space sonification of the folding pathways of protein molecules modeled as hyper-redundant robotic mechanisms

Innovative sonification technique for visualizing protein folding pathways using robotic modeling.

A. Kacem, K. Zbiss, P. Watta, A. Mohammadi

Multimedia Tools and Applications